Bioavailability is defined as the rate and the absorption of drug that reaches the biological system in an active form, capable of exerting the desired pharmacological effect, including its onset, intensity and duration of its action. The Need for Bioavailability Studies Bioavailability studies provide and estimate of the fraction of the orally administered dose that is absorbed into the systemic circulation when compared to the bioavailability for a solution, suspension, or intravenous dosage form that is completely available Bioavailability studies provide other useful information that is important to establish dosage regimen and to support drug labeling, such as distribution and elimination characteristics of the drug Bioavailability studies provide information regarding the performance of the formulation Bioavailability Study Protocol The aim of bioavailability study is to find out the dosage form influence on the biological performance of the drug, sensitivity to detect diff...
Integrated Drug Discovery Services- Chemistry, Biology & Preclinical Services