On the way to fight against tumors, we may encounter many "enemies", and most of the time it is difficult to get through. However, when faced with the formidable enemy of brain metastasis, they often lose. Relevant data show that about 25%-40% of malignant tumors will develop brain metastasis during the course of the disease. Even with targeted therapy drugs, many will fail before they reach the metastasis. Why is brain metastasis so common and dangerous? We have to mention the blood-brain barrier that blocks drugs from entering the brain. How to allow drugs to break through the blood-brain barrier is a major and important problem in the treatment of tumor brain metastasis. Fortunately, there are always scientists who are not afraid of war and are bound to attack the blood-brain barrier and lead drugs across the blood-brain barrier. One of the examples is Dr. Chen Chen that we interviewed today. As a scientist with more than 20 years of experience in...
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