
Medicilon Preclinical Research and Hetuo Innovation are joining hands to co-create and innovate in drug development

 On June 24, 2024, Medicilon announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Medicilon Preclinical Research  (MRP), has officially signed a collaboration agreement with Hetuo Innovation (Hetuo).  The two parties will engage in comprehensive and in-depth collaboration in multiple fields, including animal electrocardiogram diagnostics and personnel training, as well as animal ophthalmic disease diagnosis and model establishment, to jointly promote the development of innovative drugs.


Complementary advantages drive improvement; working together to empower new capabilities
 Supporting the development of cardiovascular and ophthalmic disease drugs

Hetuo is a CRO specializing in preclinical pharmacodynamic evaluation, focusing on translational medicine platform technologies, and actively promoting the industrialization of medicine.  The company adheres to GLP standards, implementing scientific management of projects to ensure the authenticity, accuracy/scientific integrity, and consistency of research and development results.  Currently, Hetuo has successfully developed animal models covering cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, ophthalmic, dermatological, metabolic, and urinary system diseases. The company offers customized research services and has established three leading pharmacodynamic evaluation platforms, particularly in the fields of neurological disordersophthalmic diseases, and cardiovascular system drugs.

Medicilon, relying on two decades of extensive experience in the preclinical research field of biopharmaceutical, provides one-stop new drug R&D services that meet domestic and international regulatory standards, covering drug discovery, pharmaceutical research, and preclinical research. Medicilon's expertise spans cutting-edge areas such as bispecific/multispecific antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates (ADC), mRNA vaccines, small nucleic acid drugs, protein degradation targeting chimeras (PROTAC), and cell and gene therapy (CGT).  Currently, Medicilon has successfully assisted 480 IND applications in entering clinical trials approved by China's NMPA, the US FDA, the EU EMA, and Australia TGA.

This collaboration stems from both parties' deep insights into the trends in innovative drug development and their shared mission to empower the innovation process in pharmaceutical R&D.  After discussions and exchanges, both parties have signed a collaboration agreement on training and services for experimental animal electrocardiogram diagnostics. We believe that with deep collaboration and complementary strengths, we can provide clients with higher quality and more efficient R&D services for cardiovascular drugs and ophthalmic disease drugs, facilitating the early entry of innovative drugs into clinical trials for our clients.

It is worth mentioning that on the afternoon of June 23rd, Dr. Xiarong Sun, Project Director of Hetuo, participated as a keynote speaker at the General Training on Experimental Animal Electrocardiography Basics, Chinese Academy of Sciences held jointly by the Shanghai Experimental Animal Society and MPR. Dr. Sun shared his professional experience and skills and was highly praised by the attendees.  As the collaboration deepens between both parties, the Hetuo team will continue to provide progressive professional training for MPR, further enhancing industry expertise and service quality.

This collaboration represents a joint commitment from both sides to empower pharmaceutical innovation and reflects a steadfast confidence in the future of drug research and development innovation.  Medicilon will join hands with Hetuo to face challenges together, explore opportunities, and provide strong support in exploring new therapeutic areas and methods for clients!

About Hetuo

Hetuo Innovation, as a CRO service company specializing in preclinical efficacy evaluation of pharmaceutical products, provides pharmacology evaluation services to global pharmaceutical R&D companies and research institutes.  Hetuo adheres to GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) standards, ensuring the scientific management and implementation of projects to guarantee the authenticity, scientific validity, and consistency of research and development results.  Currently, Hetuo has developed animal models for cardiovascular, neurological, digestive, ophthalmic, dermatological, metabolic, and urological diseases. They offer customized animal model establishment and research services tailored to specific research needs.  Hetuo aims to provide scalable, standardized, highly regulated, and reliable services, shortening the drug and medical device development cycles for global clients, reducing development costs and risks. Upholding the company mission, Hetuo contributes to pharmaceutical R&D, paving the way for a healthier future.



What is preclinical testing?

In the process of  preclinical testing  of a compound or biological agent into a drug, the compound involved must go through the testing phase. First, we need to identify potential targets that can treat the disease. Then, a variety of compounds or preparations are screened out. Any compound that has shown potential as a drug for the treatment of this disease needs to be tested for toxicity before clinical testing to reduce the possibility of injury. preclinical testing What is the basis of preclinical testing? According to US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, a series of tests are required before a new drug is approved for use. In the first stage, basic research determines a hypothetical target for the treatment of a certain disease, and then screens small molecules or biological compounds to discover any substance with the potential to treat the disease. Then, a  preclinical research  phase followed, before which, as described above, the potential toxicity of the compou

Inventory of the three major in vitro pharmacokinetic research methods

  The metabolic properties of a compound are an essential factor in whether or not it can be used as a drug in the clinical setting, so pharmacokinetic studies of newly synthesized compounds are required in drug development. In vitro incubation with liver microsomes, recombinant CYP450 enzyme lines, and in vitro incubation with hepatocytes are some of the more common in vitro drug metabolism methods. 1. In vitro incubation method with liver microsomes The metabolic stability and metabolic phenotypes of candidate compounds in different species of liver microsomes are good predictors of the metabolic properties of compounds in vivo. They are practical tools for evaluating candidate compounds in the pre-development phase of drug development. Liver microsomes include rat liver microsomes, human liver microsomes, canine liver microsomes, monkey liver microsomes, and mouse liver microsomes. In in vitro incubation of the liver, microsomes are the "gold standard" for in vitro d

Novel Parkinson’s Therapies Possible with New Mouse Model

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that is marked by the accumulation of the protein, α-synuclein (αS), into clumps known as Lewy bodies, which diminish neural health. Now, researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) report the development of a mouse model to induce PD-like αS aggregation, leading to resting tremor and abnormal movement control. The mouse responds to L-DOPA, similarly to patients with PD. The team's study (“Abrogating Native α-Synuclein Tetramers in Mice Causes a L-DOPA-Responsive Motor Syndrome Closely Resembling Parkinson’s Disease”) on the use of this transgenic mouse model appears in  Neuron . “α-Synuclein (αS) regulates vesicle exocytosis but forms insoluble deposits in PD. Developing disease-modifying therapies requires animal models that reproduce cardinal features of PD. We recently described a previously unrecognized physiological form of αS, α-helical tetramers, and showed that familial PD-causing missense mutati