
Innovative PDX Model: Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment and Drug Development


As a medical researcher, I have been fascinated by the continually evolving field of cancer treatment and drug development. One of the most exciting and promising advancements in this field is the Patient-Derived Xenograft (PDX) model. In this article, I will explore the history, development, advantages, applications, success stories, challenges, and future of the PDX model in cancer research. Now, Medicilon has the PDX models covering colon cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, and pancreas cancer.

Introduction to the PDX model

To understand the PDX model, we must first understand the traditional models used in cancer research. Historically, cancer cells were grown in culture dishes, which led to a significant disconnect between the cells grown in the dish and the cells within the human body. The cells grown in dishes were often very different from the cells in a tumor, and this led to many failed drug trials.

The PDX model is a significant departure from this traditional approach. Instead of growing cells in a dish, researchers implant cancer cells or tissues from patients directly into immunodeficient animals, such as mice. The PDX model allows researchers to study a patient's unique tumor and the response to treatment in a more relevant and accurate environment.

History and development of the PDX model

The PDX model was first developed in the late 1980s when researchers began transplanting human tumors into immune-deficient mice. However, it wasn't until the early 2000s that the model became more widely used due to advancements in genetic sequencing and the ability to analyze tumors at a molecular level.

Since then, the PDX model has become a critical tool in cancer research, with more than 80% of cancer drug trials using PDX models. The model has also been used to test radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and combination therapies.

Advantages of the PDX model over traditional cancer models

The PDX model has several advantages over traditional cancer models. One of the most significant advantages is the ability to study patient-specific tumors. In traditional models, researchers often use cell lines that have been cultured for years, leading to genetic changes and mutations that are not present in the original tumors.

Another advantage of the PDX model is the ability to study the tumor microenvironment. The tumor microenvironment plays a critical role in cancer progression and response to treatment. The PDX model allows researchers to study the interaction between the tumor and the surrounding cells, blood vessels, and other tissues.

The PDX model also allows for the testing of multiple drugs simultaneously, which can save time and resources. In traditional models, testing multiple drugs can be challenging, as each cell line may respond differently to each drug.

How the PDX model works

The PDX model involves implanting tumors from patients directly into immunodeficient mice. Researchers can create PDX models from a variety of tumor types, including breast cancer, lung cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

Once the tumor has been implanted, the mouse becomes a "living test tube" for studying the tumor's response to treatment. Researchers can test multiple drugs and combinations of drugs to determine the most effective treatment for that specific tumor.

Applications of the PDX model in cancer treatment and drug development

The PDX model has several applications in cancer treatment and drug development. One of the most significant applications is the ability to personalize cancer treatment. By studying a patient's unique tumor, doctors can determine the most effective treatment for that patient.

The PDX model can also be used to identify new drug targets. By studying the tumor microenvironment, researchers can identify new genes and proteins that are essential for cancer progression.

The PDX model can also be used to test combination therapies. Cancer is a complex disease, and often, a combination of drugs is needed to effectively treat the tumor. The PDX model allows researchers to test multiple drugs simultaneously, which can save time and resources.

Success stories of the PDX model in cancer research

The PDX model has already led to several success stories in cancer research. In one study, researchers used the PDX model to identify a new drug target for pancreatic cancer. The drug, called CBL0137, was effective in killing pancreatic cancer cells in both the PDX model and in human clinical trials.

In another study, researchers used the PDX model to identify a new combination therapy for breast cancer. The researchers found that combining two drugs, palbociclib, and letrozole, was more effective in treating breast cancer than either drug alone.

Challenges and limitations of the PDX model

While the PDX model has many advantages, there are also several challenges and limitations. One of the most significant challenges is the cost and time required to create PDX models. Creating a PDX model can take months, and each model can cost thousands of dollars.

Another challenge is the lack of standardization in creating PDX models. Each lab may have different protocols and techniques for creating PDX models, which can lead to variability in the results.

Finally, the PDX model may not be suitable for all types of cancer. Some tumors may not grow well in immunodeficient mice, or the immune system of the mouse may respond differently than the human immune system.

Future of the PDX model in cancer research

Despite these challenges, the PDX model has a bright future in cancer research. Researchers are continually working to improve the efficiency and standardization of creating PDX models.

One exciting advancement is the use of 3D printing to create PDX models. This technology allows researchers to create more precise and accurate models that better mimic the human tumor microenvironment.

Another area of future research is the development of "avatar mice." Avatar mice are mice that are genetically engineered to have a humanized immune system, allowing for a more accurate representation of the human immune response.

Collaboration and partnerships in the PDX model

The PDX model relies heavily on collaboration and partnerships between researchers, clinicians, and industry partners. Partnerships between academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies have been critical in developing new cancer drugs and bringing them to market.

Collaboration between researchers and clinicians is also essential in the PDX model. Clinicians can provide valuable insights into the patient's history and response to treatment, which can help researchers develop more effective therapies.


The PDX model is an innovative and exciting approach to cancer research and drug development. The ability to study patient-specific tumors in a relevant and accurate environment has already led to significant advancements in cancer treatment. While the PDX model has its challenges and limitations, continued research and collaboration will undoubtedly lead to even more success stories in the future.

CTA: Learn more about the PDX model and its impact on cancer research by visiting our website.

Medicilon's PDX Model

Now, Medicilon has the PDX models covering colon cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, and pancreas cancer. Our research on the PDX model includes molecular-level genotyping and pharmacological efficacy evaluation service of the orthotopic model, promising great prediction for clinical efficacy research.




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